Sweet Pepper Relish
by Joan Ricketts Locke
and Buddy Ricketts

Sweet Red Pepper Relish

Directions and Ingredients:

Wash your peppers.  Split and remove seeds
and membrane from peppers.   Chop finely
in food processor (enough for 6
cups, 4 cups red peppers and 2 cups
green peppers).  Peel and chop 4 cups onion.
Place above ingredients in large bowl.
Combine in large cooking pot:
6 cups sugar
2 tbsp. mustard seed
1 tbsp. celery seed
3 cups white vinegar
(I like the apple cider vinegar)
1 1/2 tbsp. salt
(add 1 tbsp. red pepper flakes if
you like a little heat)
Bring mixture to a boil long enough
to dissolve the sugar.
Pour vegetables in liquid mixture
and bring to a gentle boil.  Boil gently for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and ladle in sterilized pint jars.
 Fill hot jars to 1/2" from top of jar.  Process
in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

 Special Note:  I ladle a little more juice in the jars than what you'd probably get on a product purchased in the store.  If you prefer less juice, spoon up the relish with a strainer and place in jars, but you'll need some juice.  Also, if there is any juice remaining...I ladle it into a jar and can that too.  Buddy and Dad love to put the juice on cooked kale, mix into their bean crock before cooking and I use the juice to season a roast before baking.

Bud and Dad

Bud grows the peppers and Joanie makes the relish.
A great combination for a delicious product!