BY APREL MENCER GREEN

Start you dish with fresh cabbage!
2 heads of cabbage
2 lbs. ground beef
1 large can of tomato juice
1/2 cup of uncooked rice
1 can of sauerkraut
1 can diced tomatoes
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tbsp. sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Mix together hamburger, egg, pepper
salt, Worcestershire sauce and rice.
Then take the mixture and make 
several medium size meatballs.  Place
ball on inside of a cabbage sleeve,
roll it up.  Repeat until all mix and 
cabbage is used.  

Using a crock pot or large pot, layer
the cabbage balls in the pot.  Any 
leftover cabbage, place in the pot.

Pour in the can of tomato juice.
Add the diced tomato, sugar and 
then the sauerkraut.  Cook for 4 to 6
hours in the crock pot.  For stove 
top, cook for two hours on medium 

Note:  Separate and wash cabbage
leaves.  If not easy to fold, blanch
leaves in boiling water for a few 

Aprel Ann, daughter of Rosie Ricketts Mencer
shown with Aprel's daughter, Rose.