BY BUDDY RICKETTS


12 Eggs 
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp. pure vanilla extract
6 to 8 quarts of Half-n-Half
1 Fifth of Whiskey
1 Fifth of Rum

Separate the twelve eggs (yolks and whites) beat the eggs yolks and place in extra large mixing bowl.
Add sugar, vanilla and half-n-half to egg yolks and mix.  Slowly, add the spirits, stirring constantly.
Place egg nog in refrigerator and let egg nog set until very cold.  Buddy lets it set for several days to cure.
Place egg whites in refrigerator and save until ready to serve egg nog.  

On the day you serve egg nog,  bring egg whites to room temperature. Place egg nog in festive punch bowl.  If your preference is meringue on top of egg nog, then beat the egg whites in mixing bowl on high until egg whites are frothy. Slowly add 1/3 cup sugar and beat on high until whites form a stiff peak.  Place meringue on top of egg nog.

Egg Nog must be kept very cold.  

Buddy says, "Enjoy and have a good time!"
Momma and Buddy made this Christmas Egg Nog together every year since he was a teenager on Christmas Eve.  Bud still makes this spirited beverage, keeping up a "Ricketts Family Tradition!"

Buddy Ricketts and Momma.  Buddy escorted Momma to her 40th High School Reunion
 of Maryland Park High School.