BY LOUISE AND JOANIE


1  can 16 oz frozen orange juice
1  large bottle of Pineapple juice
2  12 oz. bottles of Roses Lime Juice (minus 4 oz)
3  cups Simple Syrup (3 cups. water boiled 
      with 1 cup sugar)
1  cup of Roses Grenadine Syrup

Mix above ingredients in large punch bowl.  
Add 1 pint of Jamaican Rum.  (very tasty with 
     coconut rum)
Serve cold

This recipe was created by Mom and Joan.  We
were trying to replicate the famous "Peter Pan Inn"
Planters Punch.

Photo of Momma and Joanie                                                      Photo of Momma and Joanie
The Ricketts Farm                                                                          Nightingale Farm for Angela's HS Graduation 
1040 Lower Pindell Rd., Lothian, Md.                                       June 1999                         
September 2002