The Ricketts Family Cookbook

Photo: Home of Tommy and Louise Ricketts, Lothian,  Maryland

                                A house is not home unless it contains good food.

Home has so many meanings for different people.  It can be a refuge of peace and solitude, a place filled with noise and people, tears and laughter.  Regardless, home is one of the best places on Earth.  We heal and love, rejoice and celebrate, nourish and comfort, grow up and grow old within home's walls.  Home provides the foundation for our lives, a place worth celebrating, a place to always cherish.

Join me now in honoring some time treasured recipes of our home, from Momma, Grandma Ricketts, Nana, daughters, granddaughters, brothers, sisters, Aunts and cousins, in-laws and extended family members.

Special Note from Joanie:  This cookbook was originally published and printed in  December 2010 for Christmas presents to my family members.  With so many requests for this book, and the price of paper publishing continually rising, it was suggested to me to publish "The Ricketts' Family Cookbook" online.  All the recipes, photos and stories were presented by family members and they have been published as presented to me for publication in the paper form.  However for the online version, some alterations have been made to recipes in the form of photos.  Some personal family photos have been replaced  with  recipe photos.    What a joy to gather stories from  Dad and other family members.  It was my extreme pleasure to prepare this book, definitely presented with a lot of love, a project from the heart!    
So here we go...