With Gratitude
 By Joan Ricketts Locke

When this project began, I had no idea that we had so many excellent cooks with such a variety of cooking styles.  The editing process of the cookbook revealed so much to me about the recipe authors.  Reading back over their recipes afforded me the opportunity to see personalities emerge through the author’s recipe.  All of these wonderful, creative folks enjoyed cooking as much as I did.

The James Walter and Hattie Case Ricketts Family 1949

To all of the recipe authors, I thank you for your contribution to our family cookbook.  It is with great hopes that you will treasure these recipes for years to come, and continue to share them with future generations.  

I offer a huge thank you to all the folks who have taken the time to "journey along with me," as I entered the cookbook online. I hope you will continue to enjoy "The Ricketts Family Cookbook."  Your comments and messages regarding the cookbook were sincerely appreciated.  Your words of kindness and support of this endeavor inspired and cheered me on during this six-and-a-half month process.

The W.T. Ricketts Family 1986
One of the reasons for the lengthy time placing the cookbook online was to prepare most recipes at home and take photos of each one.  

As I have enjoyed making and tasting these recipes it occurred to me that the recipe authors, my family, well…these folks can cook!  As you sample these recipes and share them with other folks, I think you will discover the cooking talents of our family. With recipes spanning generations, you will taste the differences.  As time moves forward…so do cooking methods.  From tried and true old fashioned tastes to the bright, fresh new pop of flavor that the newer generation of cooks offer.

Grandma Louise and her Grandchildren
in 1998  (missing Chris)

Grandad Ricketts and his grandchildren 
2008   (missing Christina)

The Ricketts Family and their extended family members greatly thank you for stopping by.  We hope you enjoy our recipes.  

We have one more recipe to share...

 Gather your loved ones together, prepare some of our favorites, and cook some of your own favorite dishes.  Make an effort to seat everyone at the same table. Give thanks for your bounty and the wonderful folks you will share this meal with. Most of all listen!  Listen to the clatter of dishes being passed around the table, the voices of folks you love, their laughter, and their unique stories.  Cherish the time spent with your family.  

As Dad says, (a phrase he fondly remembers from Red Skeleton),

“May God Bless!”