Married Buddy Ricketts on 
Sept. 9, 1989
Two sons:  Matt and Shawn Bohrer,
 Step-daughter, Christina Ricketts,  
Seven grandchildren

Liz loves her family and she loves to feed her family great food.  She is a good old-fashioned cook, yet she throws some modern twists on some old recipes. Though she didn't share her recipe for yeast rolls in the cookbook, this gal cooks the best yeast rolls in Southern Maryland!

 Liz is one of the hardest working ladies around.  Dad says, "there isn't a lazy bone in that girl's body!"  She is a devoted caretaker for her entire family, but most especially for our Daddy and her chickens!  She awakes every morning at 4:30 am so she can tend to her chickens before leaving for work.   Now that's dedication!!
