Jennifer born to Daniel Anton Smith Sr., 

and Mary Jeannette Grimes.

Jennifer and Christopher Mencer were married on Feb. 16, 2001. 
Three children: Kassandra Rose, 
Jordan Thomas and Tyler.

Jennifer is a Tupperware Consultant and enjoys meeting people.  She also is a Consultant for "Simply Said Designs."

She loves her family and is a very supportive wife and caring mother.  One has to admire her "fuss-free" style.  When something happens, she usually laughs, handles the situation and gets on with life.  Most of her time is spent with her three children. You just never know what new story Jenny is going to share about her boys.  They keep her on her toes for sure!

 Jenny has made a "Blue Ribbon" hit with this family serving her Macaroni and Cheese.  Thanksgiving Dinner at The Farm just wouldn't be the same without Jenny's Mac-n-Cheese, especially for
Uncle Wayne!!