Joan Frances "Joanie"  
born the second child, second daughter to Margaret Louise Pumphrey and 
William Thomas Ricketts, Sr. 

Married to Wayne D. Locke, June 27, 1980.   Mother of two children,
 Angela Dawn Locke Harper and
 Andrew Ronald Locke,
five grandchildren.

Joan loves spending time with her family in Midland, Virginia and at The Farm in Maryland.  When Momma passed away in 2008, Joan began her "every other week" trips to Maryland to help out Dad.  You just never know what new adventure Dad has in mind when she gets there.  One time it was a trip to Barnesville, Maryland to visit Dad's first home.  Another trip Dad told Joan "we're off to visit family."  Sounded exciting and it was, but they were all long ago deceased folks. Visited a lot of cemeteries. Nice trip to catch up on some ancestry though!

 Her interests include cooking and baking, playing the piano, reading, raising cattle, gardening (vegetables and flowers) canning vegetables, refinishing furniture, compiling research for family history and Grandkids!  

She feels, "Grandkids…it's a whole new kind of love!  These little folks are the spark of life you've almost forgotten when your own children grow up and move away from home.  Life is a blessing and so are Grandchildren...all five of them!"

Joanie says, "I am blessed to have Wayne as a husband.  All my travels home to Maryland keeps me from home in Virginia.  I just wanted to share of his love and support, for he never complains of how much or how often I'm gone...just a welcoming hug when I return!"