BY JOAN RICKETTS LOCKE


4 oz. each Orange and Lemon Rind                                                           
1 lbs. Golden Raisons
1/2 lb. Candied Cherries
1/2 lb. Candied Pineapples
1 lb. shelled, chopped fine walnuts
1 lb. shelled, chopped fine pecans
1/4 lb. citron
1/2 cup whiskey
1/2 tsp. salt
1 16 oz. can crushed pineapple
(Note:  I use the containers of candied fruit, found in the produce section of most grocery stores.  I also omit the citron and use dried cranberries)
Combine fruit and nuts in a large bowl and pour crushed pineapple over the top of mixture. 
Add whiskey, cover and let sit overnight.

The next day:
Prepare pans:  Cut brown paper bags, sized to fit pans. 
Grease and place in cake pans.

Cream together...
1/2 lb. butter
2 cups sugar 
6 eggs

Mix 1 tsp. baking powder
2 cups all-purpose flour
Add to creamed mixture.  

Mix fruit with 1 cup of flour and add to dough mixture.
Pour into prepared pans and bake in a slow oven at 250 degrees.
Loaf pans will take approximately 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours Angel food pan will take approximately 3 1/2 to 4 hours.

When cakes are cooled, wrap in cheesecloth and store in airtight container in a cool place.
These most delicious fruitcakes make wonderful Christmas presents.  Place them in a decorative tin or go "old-fashioned" and wrap the cakes in waxed brown wrapping paper and tie with jute string!
Joan says, "I have prepared this recipe for 28 years and Momma (Louise Ricketts)  for forty years.  Momma received this recipe from Sister-in-law,  Dorothy Ricketts, who obtained it from her mother, Hattie Case Ricketts, who obtained it from her Sister-in-law, Bessie Ricketts Homiller.  Dad, Tommy Ricketts, loves this cake and has tasted and enjoyed this Christmas fruitcake prepared by all the ladies listed above.  He especially liked Momma's fruitcakes.  She had a special secret, which I continue today.   After the cakes are wrapped in cheesecloth, give a good, healthy soaking of Peach Brandy, poured right on top of cake.  Store in a favorite tin or plastic container in a very cold place. The best time to bake these cakes is the day after Thanksgiving.  The longer the cakes "season" the more magnificent the flavor!  I give thanks to the lovely ladies of the Ricketts' Family for sharing the Fruitcake recipe."

Photo of Bessie Mae Ricketts Homiller and her husband, Thomas Homiller