3 cups sugar
2 cups Cran-Apple Juice (100% juice)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. cloves
1 cup red wine ( I use Merlot it makes a darker jelly, 
   or you can use a lighter color red wine for a light jelly)
1 - 3 oz. pkg. Sure-Jell

In a large saucepan, combine sugar, cran-apple juice, and spices.
Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar.  Boil for 5 minutes, stirring
constantly.  Remove from heat and stir in the wine and Sure-Jell.  
Skim off foam with metal spoon.  Ladle jelly into clean, sterilized
jelly jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space.  Cover with sterilized lids and
rings.  Place jars in boiling hot water bath for five minutes.  Remove 
from canning pot and place in a cool spot, don't move jars or touch lids 
 for 24 hours.  Check to make sure lids have sealed.  

Note:  It can sometimes take two weeks for jelly to set up.  So if
using in gift baskets, make ahead in plenty of time before event.

Great on biscuits, croissants or toast.  

"I originally created this jelly as a special Christmas morning treat for my family,
 a few trials and errors, but finally a product that I am happy
 to place in Christmas Gift Baskets."

Photo:  Dad, Christmas Morning at home in
Forestville, MD., December 25, 1971