BY JOAN RICKETTS LOCKE

Original Recipe by Rhonda Maul


First layer:  Crust
2 sticks margarine
2 cups flour
1 cup chopped pecans

Cut margarine into flour, mix in nuts and
spread in bottom of 9"x13" baking dish.
Bake until brown on 425 degrees for
approximately 10 minutes.  Cool.

2nd layer:  
1 8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 large container of Cool Whip

Mix all ingredients and spread over the cooled crust.

3rd layer:
2 small pkgs. of Chocolate Instant Pudding
Mix pudding with 3 cups of milk and pour
over the 2nd cream cheese layer.

4th layer:  
Spread remainder of Cool Whip over the 3rd
layer.  Sprinkle with chopped pecans (if desired). 
Chill for one hour or more as needed to serve very cold.

"This recipe was given to Joan in 1982 by her neighbor
Rhonda Maul."  Joan brought it to a Ricketts Family
Gathering summer of 1982.  This is a light, chocolate delightful treat!"

Photo:  Momma's 79th Birthday
Momma, Daddy and Angela

Special Note:  As my son, Andrew, is allergic to nuts, I have made this goody without nuts. 
 I omit the first layer and just place graham crackers on the bottom and continue on with 
remaining layers.  Instead of chopped nuts on top, I've used chocolate shavings.  A very 
tasty alternative!