BY MARGARET LOUISE RICKETTS


1 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup milk
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. butter

In  saucepan, bring brown sugar, milk and white sugar to a boil.
Stirring constantly until mixture is thick and bubbly.  Momma's test
was to drop a tiny bit of boiling liquid in a cup of cold water.  If the 
mixture stayed together in a ball, it was done.

When done, add vanilla and butter, beating vigorously.  Spread
immediately onto bottom layer of cake.  Place top layer on cake 
and spread top and sides of cake.  Work quickly as icing sets up
fast.  If this happens, return to heat and warm up stirring constantly.

Tricky icing to make, but absolutely delicious!  Practice makes perfect
with this icing, so make it often!  On Momma's handwritten sheet, she 
wrote, "Dad's favorite."

Photo of Cake with Caramel Icing