BY MARGARET LOUISE RICKETTS

Canning was a craft which Momma taught to all her daughters!

8 qts. tomatoes
3 cups sweet red peppers
3 cups onion

Put the above ingredients in the food
processor and process on high.
Pour into large pot.

3 cups sugar
1/3 cup salt
1 1/2 quarts white vinegar
2 tbsp. ground cloves
3 tbsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. ginger
2 tbsp. nutmeg

Mix all ingredients and cook for 
three hours, very slowly.  Stir
often - it can stick if not watched

Ladle ketchup into hot sterilized pint
jars and process in hot water bath for 
5 minutes.

Photo of Dad at  the Fall Corn Harvest, October 2010
Dad said, "You have to put Momma's ketchup and chili sauce recipe in the book."